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72nd Glasgow Scout Group Appeal for Leaders/Helpers
We desperately need more adult leaders and helpers, male or female, in all the sections of our Scout Group. Previous Scout experience is not necessary, and in any case training is available, mostly online.  More info is available on the main scouts website here.

This acute shortage of leaders has now come to a critical points as our long terms Scouts leader Jim Peebles sadly passed away in November 2022, and without new Leaders and helpers, the 72 Glasgow Scouts Troop may not be able to continue.  So this is a direct appeal to anyone whom is interested to contact Robert Wright at his email of robertwright981@btinternet.com.

The Beaver meetings for 6 & 7 year olds include games, handcraft, and scout themed badgework. Their motto is Fun and Friends.

The Cub meetings for 8 to 10 year olds also have games but include a start to Scout skills training, some outdoor.

Scout Troop meetings for 10 to 14 year olds have games too but there is structured Scout training in outdoor skills and inter-patrol competitions. The troop offers many activities away from the HQ such as this summer's activity camp in Wales. We hope in the coming years to restart our highlight visits to Switzerland and Italy, Canada and USA.

The Explorer Unit 
for 15-17 year olds concentrates on the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Currently, because of leader shortage, membership is to boys who have been in our troop.
The recent pandemic has not only reduced the size of the Beaver Colony, the Cub Pack and the Scout Troop but we have lost adult leaders as well. As the sections start to grow again, eg troop numbers.